2024 SALE
Selling Popcorn and Peanuts
This sale is not just about selling popcorn and peanuts….it’s also about promoting Scouting! When participating in the product sale, Scouts gain self-confidence, people skills, money management, salesmanship, and business ethics — things that help prepare them for life. These are great values and skills for youth to learn. All proceeds stay right here to help support local scouting…that’s 70% that goes to Scouting! While a portion of that goes to directly support your unit, the remaining portion is reinvested into camp improvements and equipment, program support and office supplies.
If a Scout wants to participate in online sales instead of, or in addition to, face-to-face sales, contact the unit popcorn chair and ask him or her to register the Scout to sell online. The online commission percentage is identical to the percentage that the Unit earns for selling.
Here are 4 important links for this year’s sale:
Unit Popcorn sales–> Pecatonica River Popcorn
Online Sales (opening 8/1/24)–> Pecatonica River Popcorn Store