February 8, 2025, 8am till 2pm – Council Service Center
BSA Fundamentals of Training Course. This is the first part of the three-part train-the-trainer continuum in Scouting and is intended for both youth and adult trainers. Every person that teaches something to someone in Scouting can benefit from this course. REGISTER HERE

The Spring 2025 Leader Training
Cub Scout Leaders:
Position Specific Training:https://scoutingevent.com/512-CSTraining_Spring2025
Scouts BSA Leaders:
Position Specific Training: https://scoutingevent.com/512-SBSA_Training_Spring2025
Venturing Crew Leader Specific:
Position Specific Training: https://scoutingevent.com/512-VenturingLeaderSpring2025
In-person position specific training sessions are opportunities to share ideas across the district and are a valuable experience. These sessions contain content that the online training does not provide.
Did you know that all adults who serve in direct contact with youth are required to have Hazardous Weather Training? This on-line only course takes 30-40 minutes to complete. You can find it here:
https://training.scouting.org/catalog (Log in and Search the Catalog for Hazardous Weather Training)
Please pass this information on to all the leaders in your unit and make a plan to get trained.

Training needed to run a BB gun, archery and Slingshot ranges at any district or council activity.
This includes being able to use the inflatable range for recruitment
WHEN: March 1, 2025 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Where: St. Bruno Church
(1715 Poplar St, Greensburg, PA 15601)
Registration Fee: $5.00
Wear comfortable clothes and bring a set of safety glasses. Bring your own lunch. Registration closes February 21, 2025
Register Here: https://scoutingevent.com/512-CubRangemaster
Questions, concerns contact – Julie Olson theolsons23@gmail.com