The focus of the Citizenship in Society merit badge is to provide you with information on diversity, equity, inclusion, and ethical leadership. You’ll learn why these qualities are important in society and in Scouting, as well as how to help other people at all times and serve as a leader and an upstander.
Requirements for Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors
Complete all criteria and return to the Council Registrar for submission to the Advancement Committee at velma.laco@scouting.org
Criteria for being approved a MB counselor for Citizenship in Society.
- Send in Certificate of completion for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Training https://training.scouting.org/courses/SCO_1800
- Send in complete MB Counselor form (if you are not already a registered Merit Badge Counselor you must also attach a completed adult application)
- Sign and date Letter of Affirmation
- Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Requirements for counselors Diversity Equity Inclusion | Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org)
- All candidates will receive a letter from the Advancement Committee. upon Approval