September 10, 2024

Westmoreland Fayette Council Unit Leaders,

We hope this message finds you energized and ready for another incredible year of Scouting adventures! As we gear up for our annual popcorn and nut sale, I want to thank each of you for your leadership, dedication, and hard work in making this a pivotal fundraising opportunity for your Scouts.

This sale is not only a great way to raise funds to support your unit’s activities but also a chance for our Scouts to learn valuable life skills like Goal Setting, Salesmanship, Teamwork, and Financial Responsibility.

To help you and your unit get the most out of this fundraiser, I’ve put together a few best practices to ensure a successful sale:

Kick Off with a Unit Event

A unit kickoff is a fantastic way to get your Scouts and their families excited about the sale. Make it fun! Use games, prizes, and incentives to get everyone on board. Show off the products, share success stories from past years, and encourage Scouts to set personal and unit sales goals.

 Have Products on Hand

One of the best ways to increase sales is to have products readily available for customers. When running a storefront or neighborhood sale, have products on hand so people can purchase immediately. This convenience can lead to impulse buys and more sales.

 Utilize Storefronts

Storefronts are high-traffic areas like local grocery stores, malls, or sporting events. Work with local businesses to set up tables, and have your Scouts proudly wear their uniforms. A cheerful smile and a brief introduction about what their sale supports will go a long way!

 Encourage Neighborhood Sales

Many of our Scouts have great success by going door-to-door in their neighborhoods. However, it’s important to emphasize safety:

  • Never enter someone’s home, no matter how friendly they seem.
  • Always have a trusted adult with you for safety and support.
  • Be polite and respectful to everyone you meet—leave a good impression whether they make a purchase or not.

 Promote Online Sales

Don’t forget the power of technology! Encourage your Scouts to promote online sales by sharing their sale links on social media or through email with family and friends. This can help them reach people far beyond their local community.  ONLINE SALES FOR POPCORN ARE EASIER THIS YEAR THAN EVER BEFORE AND THIS IS THE FASTEST GROWING SEGMENT OF OUR SALE.  BE SURE TO UTILIZE IT.

 Celebrate Successes

Recognizing accomplishments is key to keeping the momentum going. I want to give a special shout-out to the following units that have already increased their orders from last year:

Units with increased show and sell order 2023

Bushy Run

Laurel Hills

Old Trails

Pack 151

Pack 211

Pack 609

Pack 160

Pack 305

Pack 654

Pack 201

Pack 370

Troop 643

Pack 213

Pack 405

Troop 387

Pack 226

Pack 416


Pack 236

Pack 464


Pack 254

Troop 305


Pack 284

Troop 311


Troop 239

Troop 405


Troop 284

Troop 465


Troop 293

Troop 480


Troop 1304


These units have set a great example, and I know that with your leadership, many more units can achieve outstanding results this year. Take pride in the fact that every sale helps fund more camping trips, events, and adventures for our Scouts!

 Set Goals and Track Progress

Encourage each Scout to set personal goals and work together to set unit-wide goals. Keeping track of your progress regularly will motivate everyone to push harder as you get closer to reaching them. Rewarding milestones along the way will also boost morale.

 Incentivize and Reward

Scouts love recognition and rewards! Create fun challenges for top sellers, highest growth from last year, or even most improved effort. A small reward can go a long way to inspiring a big effort.

By following these best practices, you’re helping ensure not only a successful sale but also an enriching experience for your Scouts that will teach them skills that last a lifetime. Your efforts make all the difference!

Getting new families on board

To engage new families in the annual popcorn and nut sale, start by explaining how it supports their Scout’s activities and growth. Include details in your new family orientation and pair them with experienced mentors to guide them through the process. Highlight the benefits for their Scouts, such as learning new skills and earning prizes. Emphasize that every contribution helps the unit thrive, making their involvement a valuable part of the Scouting experience.

Thank you once again for your leadership and dedication. Together, we can make this year’s popcorn and nut sale the best one yet for Westmoreland Fayette Council. Let’s give our Scouts the best opportunities possible!

Yours in Scouting