Leader Awards
Most adult awards and recognitions have certificates, pins or medals, and a patch usually with a square knot embroidered on it in different colors. Adult leaders wear these square knot patches on their uniform over the left pocket. The order that they are worn is up to the individual. To learn more see the Guide to Awards and Insignia.

Den Leader Training Award
This award recognizes den leaders who have completed training, tenure, and performance requirements.
It is available for Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos den leaders and can be earned in each position, but tenure must be completed separately for each award. In addition to a certificate and a medal, a yellow square knot on a blue background is available to wear on the uniform.

Scouter’s Training Award
This award can be earned by Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout leaders as well as District Committee members.
This award can be presented to adult leaders who have two years’ tenure in the pack/troop and have completed position-specific training and other performance requirements designed to encourage and recognize those who give of their resources to make the unit successful. Tenure does not need to be in the same position. In addition to a certificate and medal, a green square knot on a khaki background is available to wear on the uniform.

Cubmaster’s Key
This award is for Cub Scout adult leaders with three years’ tenure—including at least two years as Cubmaster—who have completed training and other performance requirements. The Cubmaster’s Key is also a great way to incorporate a succession plan for Cubmaster. In addition to a certificate and medal, a green-and-white square knot on a khaki background is available to wear on the uniform.

Adult Religious Emblems
Most of the major religious bodies in the United States have programs to recognize adult volunteers who demonstrate faith, observe their creeds or principles, and give service.
The religious emblems are not Scouting awards; however, they may be worn on the upper left pocket of the adult leader uniform.
Religious Emblems Programs | Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org)

Trained Strip
To recognize those adults and youth who have completed training required for their position.
Who Can Earn This Award?
Presented to Scouts BSA youth members, Venturing youth, and adults upon completion of training; also may be worn by den chiefs who have completed den chief training
How To Get the Award
Either given by the council upon completion of training or available for purchase at the Scout Shop.
Supply Item Description & Uniform Placement
Two versions are available; either may be worn with any BSA uniform; one has a khaki background with red lettering and border while the second has a khaki background with green lettering and border (centennial edition).