Now you can win prizes for inviting and recruiting your friends to join Scouting!
The bad news:
For generations, recruiting new families to enjoy Scouting programs has always been linked with schools going back in session after summer break. In many cases, our strategies of how to invite families to participate (particularly in Cub Scouts) is completely dependent on Schools.
This year, we cannot do business as usual if we plan to engage new families in our great program. As of the writing of this article, it is unclear what school will look like this Fall in Southwestern PA.
Regardless of what school looks like this Fall, it is unreasonable for us to expect that we will have the same opportunities to promote Scouting and invite new families to join that we have enjoyed in previous years.
The good news:
While we will continue to promote in any and every ways we are able through schools this Fall, we know that the most important recruitment tool we have is still available to us (and might just be more effective than ever.) We have the means to overcome this significant challenge, but it will require a measure of buy-in and engagement from every member of the Scouting community for it to succeed.
Recent market research, experience, and common sense all tell us the same thing; the most effective recruitment method is a direct invitation to join from someone the invitee knows. THIS MEANS YOU! That’s right. Your direct engagement will not only help to ensure your unit has a strong future, but the same can be said for the people you invite.
How it works:
Simply put, we are asking everyone involved in Scouting in our region to personally invite 3 people to join Scouting. That alone would have the Power to transform your unit. If Pack 123 has 27 Cub Scouts and just the Cubs themselves invite 3 friends, that’s 81 people receiving a direct invitation. If just 20% of those people decide to join (which is a conservative estimate for personal invitations) the pack would recruit 16 new youth and their families to participate.
Why you should make sure your Scout participates in the Power of 3 campaign:
In addition to helping ensure that your unit, your district, and the council have a strong influx of new families for the future… On top of the fun experiences, lifelong memories, and values you will be sharing with your friends… THERE ARE AMAZING PRIZES BEING GIVEN AWAY TO YOUTH WHO RECRUIT THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO JOIN!
Starting in September, and running 12 weeks through the end of November, we will hold a prize drawing on Facebook live each week to recognize and reward Scouts who have recruited others to join. Every week prizes will be awarded including a Grand Prize.
Scouts can be entered into the drawing when a new youth member joins and lists them as the recruiter. Entries will be active until they are either drawn, or the end of the contest, so the earlier you get them in, the more chances to win you have! There will be no limit to the number of entries any one Scout can qualify for. Drawings will be held on Facebook live at 3:00 PM each Friday. Entries must be received by 9:00 am on a Friday morning to be entered for that week’s drawing.
A recruiter patch will be given to all youth who recruit another youth to join. Additional prizes will be rewarded for youth who recruit 2 and 3 Scouts. All Scouts who recruit at least 3 more youth to join will be entered into a SPECIAL PRIZE DRAWING on the first Friday in December for a $500 Gift Card!
Great Challenges Present Great Opportunities!
While we know young people are motivated by prizes, the real benefit of your family’s engagement in inviting at least 3 new families to participate in Scouting is to teach your kids the benefit reaching out and welcoming friends to try something new. They learn communication skills, persistence and goal setting. If EVERYONE in our council participates in the Power of 3 Campaign, not only will we have a record recruitment year, we will also be helping to ensure the future of our units in spite of a once in a once in a century pandemic by following our motto and Being Prepared!