Laurel Hills District Award of Merit

Volunteer Awards

We are fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers supporting the Youth in our programs. The District Award of Merit is the highest honor a district can bestow upon a volunteer in Scouting America. This prestigious award recognizes Scouters who have provided outstanding service to youth at the district level, going above and beyond in their dedication to the Scouting movement. Recipients exemplify the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law, demonstrating exceptional leadership, commitment, and impact within their communities.

District Award of Merit

A Scouter may only receive this award once from the district. If you know a deserving person, please download the nomination form and submit it to Hugh Hubble. This award is presented annually, at the District Volunteer Recognition Dinner in November.


Darlene Alcorn, ‘84
Barty Ambrose, ‘85
Jay Anderson, ‘16


David Bates, ‘79
Sara Bednarofsky, ‘13
Kathleen Bellush
Bob Bereit, ‘11
Fred Bernas, ‘80
Frank Berth, Jr. ‘81
Harry Blansett, ‘81
Mike Blasko
Chuck Boyer, ‘09
Jack Brigaman, ‘95
Glenn Busch, ‘05


Dean Campbell, ‘74
George Caldwell, ‘16
Mike Cardella, ‘74
George Carter, ‘92
Joyce Carter, ‘97
Francis Church, ‘71


Duke Davidson, ‘75
Frank Davis, ‘73
George Dickerson, ‘71
Tim Dingman, ‘08
Ron Dixon, ‘72
Jack Doak, ‘75
Harry Doerzbacker, ‘89
Barbara Dompa, ‘92


Diane Eicher, ‘85
Jim Enlow, ’85
Lisa Enlow, ’85
Audrey Errett, ’76
Homer Errett, ‘77
Francis Eskut, ‘88


Alda Feigar, ‘78
Royal Ferry Jr, ‘77
Royal Ferry III, ‘98
Ray Flock, ‘88
Jim Foster, ‘93
Claude Frantz, ‘83
Cecil Fritzgerald, ‘84


Charles Galvin, ‘84
Bob Gardner, ‘07
Joe Gardner, ‘73
Keith Gaskill, ‘09
Jack Gensalman, ‘91
Fern Gensalman, ‘73
Jim Gettins, ‘02
John Gillis, ‘72
Fred Goodman, ‘99
Bert Graham, ‘94
Tom Graham, ‘95
Debbie Gress, ‘00
Jack Gress, ‘01
Marcia Guthrie, ‘98


Beverly Hackel, ‘83
Ross Hackel, ‘81
Bill Hafer, ‘11
Michael Hanawalt, ’19
Merle Harkcom, ‘77
Rose Harkom, ‘75
Herb Harris, ‘83
Frank Henry, ‘90
Barry Hillman, ‘95
Ralph Hofe, ‘91
Mark Hoffman, ‘98
Rick Hoffman, ‘01
Dave Hostoffer
Scott Holden, ‘02
Melissa Hollis, ‘10
Nathan Hollis, ‘11
Brenda Howard, ‘93
Cyrus Howells, ‘07
Burney Humphries, ‘78


 Tom Irwin, ‘99
Bill Ivory, ‘06


James Jackson, ‘17
James Joel, ‘74
Chris Johnston, ‘82
Glenn Johnson, ‘87


Dave Kadylak
Mark Kardos
Bucky Kaylor, ‘76
Bill Keller, ‘85
Mickey Keller, ‘03
Larry Kepple, ‘72
Darcia Kifer, ‘10
Keith Kifer, ‘08
Warren Kinneer, ‘84
Laurie Kornowski
Dr. Ron Koval, ‘86
Tom Krawtz, ‘88
Pat Krempecki, ‘96
Paul Kromel, ‘85
Candy Kubinec, ‘84
John Kubinec, ‘88


Daniel Laco, ’19
Chester Leonard, ‘86
Bob Loncharish, ‘78
Mike Lucotch, ‘82


Ed Mahood, ‘80
Rich Marshall, ‘03
Tracy Martello, ‘04
Bill Martin, ‘87
Al Mattucci, ‘92
Kathy Mattucci, ‘92
Bebbie McFarland, ‘97
Tom McKay, ‘91
Dick McKelvey, ‘71
Ben Meidel, ‘73


Scott Naeger, ‘15
Augi Nickoli, ‘93
Effie Nicodem, ‘79
Tom Nicodem, ‘87


Joe O’Hara, ‘79
Jack Obruba, ‘86
Julie Olson, ‘17


Steve Pevarnik, ‘96
Don Pfeifer
Chuck Pifer, ‘00
Ben Piper
Sallie Plummer, ‘94
Bob Pomponi, ‘92
Kathy Pyle, ‘86


Francis Rashocki, ‘76
Bob Rhody, ’82
Mary Rhody, ‘78
Pete Rice
Kim Ross, ‘03
Robin Ross, ‘05
Michael Rzempoluch, ‘14


John Schuerman, ‘12
Mary Schindler, ‘04
Mike Schmitt, ‘00
Bob Schott, ‘83
Julian Serna, ‘76
Mark Shaeffer, ‘81
Nathaniel Shaffer, ‘18
Clyde Shaw Sr.
Clyde Shaw
Harman Shaw, ‘83
Jim Sherin, ‘90
Brad Smalley, ‘91
Henry Sobota, ‘94
Sandy Sofranko, ‘94
Joe Stefko, ‘72
Frank Stillman, ‘75
Mary Stillman, ‘74
Jerry Sutherland, ‘79


Cheryl Troglio, ‘93
Ruth Trumbetta, ‘01
B.M. Tullio


Rob Very, ‘13
Barbara Vieman, ‘89
Kathy Vogel, ‘96


Reta Warner, ‘71
Bill Weimann, ‘04
Cindy Weimann, ‘06
Charles Welsch, ‘90
Diane Welsch, ‘91
Jack White, ‘89
Sharon Williams, ‘80
Hugh Woodsum, ‘87


Dennis Yamber, ‘85
George Yatsko, ‘97
Lisa Yothers, ‘18
Ted Young, ‘99