Kingston Veteran's and Sportsman's Club
138 Kingston Club Road, Latrobe Pa 15650
Registration includes the annual SWAG, as well as lunch catered by Chef Dato’s Kitchen.
- Early Bird Scout Registration is $65
- Regular Scout Registration is $75
- Adult Walker Registration is $20
- Staff are free! Thank you for your help.
What is day camp?
Day camp is a district-sponsored program that gives Cub Scouts a chance to experience the activities of a summer camp without sleeping overnight. The program includes many of the same activities Scouts would try in Cub Scout resident camp in a setting that is close to home and planned as a shorter day. A trained Camp Director and Program Director staff the camp. Volunteers who are active in Scouting guide all activities.
Where is day camp held?
Our day camp is being held at the Kingston Veterans & Sportsman’s Club located at 138 Kingston Club Road, Latrobe Pa 15650. There is a parking lot in front of the building where you can park for drop off & pick up. Registration takes place in the large pavilion behind the main building. There will be someone in the parking lot to direct you.
How long is the day camp day?
The day camp day begins at approximately 7:30 on June 11th, and 8:00 on June 12 & 13. Opening flag ceremonies begin at 8:45 am. The day ends with closing at approximately 4:30. Please plan on having arrangements to pick up your Cub Scout at this time.
What will the program include?
The program will include archery, crafts, b.b. guns, nature, field sports, special events, and Scout skills. A special all-camp program is planned for Friday afternoon when families are invited to join their Scout in camp for awards and closing ceremony.
What should each participant bring?
All Scouts will be given a water bottle and drawstring backpack during check-in on the first day. They should bring these items with them each day. Scouts should have rain gear (ponchos, etc.) in case of a little liquid sunshine. Remember-no sandals for Scouts or adults! Lunches will be provided each day. A menu will be available in mid-May. There will be a trading post at Day Camp with a variety of items available.
How many leaders should accompany our Scouts?
A “walker” is needed for every 4 to 6 Scouts your pack brings to camp. Leadership should be “two-deep” at all times. This means that the Scouts are walking from station to station with at least two leaders at all times.
What if it rains?
In the event of rain, day camp activities will continue as scheduled. Alternative activities will be planned in case of thunderstorms. Should day camp need to be cancelled due to weather, either prior to the start of the day, or during the day, email notifications will be sent, Pack leaders will be contacted, and information will be available on the Laurel Hills District Facebook page.
When will we receive any other information we might need?
You will receive an email upon registration and another one the week of day camp. Each will contain additional information, and the one the week of Day Camp will include information on the Friday afternoon program.
Who can I contact with additional questions? Adam Altman, Day Camp Director can be reached at 724-989-2516 or adamaltman42@yahoo.com