Date of race: February 01, 2025
Location: Westmoreland Mall (Center Court)
Fee: $6.00 each car (This includes all Show Cars, but excludes Alternates)
- Cars must be made from the official BSA pinewood kit and must be made new since the previous year’s Pinewood Derby. In other words, you cannot race a previous year’s car.
- Parts may only be purchased from BSA licensed vendors. Scouts must use the chassis, axles, and wheels that come in the kit. Replacement wheels and axles and the new colored wheels from the BSA store or www.scoutstuff.org are the only allowed wheel or axle change from what comes in the original kit. This kit may only be purchased at a BSA Scout store or from www.scoutstuff.org. Decorative items may be purchased from any source and used if the car passes all other inspection criteria.
- A Scout must race the car they qualified with in their pack’s pinewood derby.
- A Scout must be present in Field (Class A) uniform to register and race their car. (Scouts are representing their pack and the district in a public event). Scouts without a Class A uniform will not be able to race. At minimum the scouts should have their Class A shirt and blue jeans or official BSA pants.
- Each Unit MUST pre-register their entrants in the race.
- Because the event will be held in a public location, and there is no reasonable expectation to privacy, all participants and attendees’ photos may be taken and used by the media. Additionally, the Westmoreland Fayette Council and the Westmoreland Mall may feature photos, names and results via their social media or corporate websites.
- When the Scout signs-in the day of the race, the registrar will assign them a number that will be placed on their car. Their car will then go to the inspection station. Alterations necessary for inspection are the sole responsibility of the participant or their adult partner. The staff will not supply any equipment or materials for alterations– The Scout must register their own car. They must be present and carry the car. Parents are NOT allowed to register a car for a Scout! Scouts MUST register the car during the allotted registration time! We will not accept any cars after the window of registration as it will delay races all day!
- The decision of the inspection judge is final. After inspection, the cars will remain in the race area until they are done racing.
- Each heat will be when your car is “ON DECK”, please report to the finish line. Scouts will watch their car cross the finish line on all lanes. All other people must remain behind the barrier.
- If a car leaves the track, runs out of its lane, interferes with another car, loses an axle, the heat will be rerun. If the same car gets into trouble on the second run, the contestant will be disqualified. If, on the second run, another car is interfered with, the heat will be run a third time but without the disqualified car. Any repairs made due to an accident must be done under the supervision of a race official only!
- When the results of each heat are recorded, the drivers will return to their seats.
- Winners will be announced at the end of the race. Winners must be present for the trophy presentation. Those winners will report to the stage for presentation and pictures.
- Un-Scout like conduct by any Adult or Scout participant will not be tolerated, and they will be asked to leave the race area.
- It is the right of our race officials to disassemble any car at their discretion.
- No Magnets or magnetic devices allowed anywhere on the car.
- Scouts must identify the front of their car.
- Cars may not extend past the starting mechanism. If the front of a car extends past the mechanism, it will be raced backwards. If the back end extends past the mechanism, the car will be disqualified. The mechanism is a rod in the center of the lane.
- All decisions of race officials are final.
- Maximum width (wheels & axles) 2 ¾”
- Minimum width between wheels – 1 ¾”
- Maximum length – 7”
- Wheelbase distance may NOT be changed
- Official Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Kit ONLY- no parts from the Internet or other vendors.
- Maximum weight – 5 ounces
- Maximum height—6 inches
- Official weight will be determined by the official race scale on race day. The weight decision is final regardless of the car’s weight on other scales.
- Official Scout Grand Prix Wheels and Axles ONLY. The official BSA colored wheels purchased from the Westmoreland-Fayette Council store or scoutstuff.org are the only wheel changes allowed.
- NO wheel bearings, washers, bushings, or springs
- Wheels may be lightly sanded to remove mold projection.
- No beveling, tapering, thin sanding, wafering or lathe turning.
- Wheels must be completely visible.
- Axles must use slots provided in the block of wood. They may be polished.
- Axle slot must be visible. Do not cover or fill the groove completely. Judges must be able to see the center of the groove. Axle Guards will not be allowed.
- Only the axles that come with the official BSA kit, or from item #17006, (replacement wheel and axle kit), or from the allowed colored wheels may be used. Single solid axles are not allowed.
- No loose materials of any kind are allowed in or on the car.
- Graphite No oils or silicone sprays permitted.
- Cars are to be lubricated before signing-in that day.
- Failure to follow the rules and regulations will result in disqualification.
General Race Information
Volunteers run the WESTMORELAND COUNTY PINEWOOD DERBY CHAMPIONSHIPS under the supervision of the District Executives of Bushy Run District and Laurel Hills District. Any questions regarding the championships can be directed to 724-837-1630 (Ext: 306 Bushy Run District or 316 Laurel Hills District).
How the Speed race is run:
We will use 3-lanes of the track with a computerized scoring system for race results. Each Scout will race their car 3 times, once on each of the 3 designated lanes.The computer will record the scout’s time for each lane. The 3 times are used at the end to determine the overall fastest car. The times are to the thousandth of a second, so they are very accurate.
The announcer will announce each heat and the “On Deck” heat. Scouts are to be at the finishing line when it is their heat. Scouts should come to the finishing line when they are “ON DECK”. This will expedite the entire process.
Once registration is closed, no scout can join the race. Please be on time to register your car!
How the Best Design and Most Original are judged:
All rules for the speed cars apply to the “show” cars. This includes height/weight, etc. Decorative items may be purchased via internet/other vendors if the original BSA kit was used per the stated rules.
The scouts registered in the District Pinewood Derby will decide winners in the Best Design and Most Original categories. Each scout will be given one vote. The car with the most votes will be declared the winner.